Documenta Filipina

Documenta Filipina – The Philippines in Portuguese Archives and Libraries (1506-1832) resumes and enlarges the scope of a previous project (The Philippines in Portuguese Historiography) and is a step further on the collaborative partnership between CHAM – Centro de Humanidades (NOVA FCSH) and the Philippine Embassy in Lisbon. It aims at identifying and gathering the existing information about the Philippines in the most relevant archives and manuscript collections in Portugal, namely in Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Biblioteca da Ajuda and Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, from the 16th to the early 19th century. Its final objective is to present a useful compilation of data to be managed by Filipino scholars and researchers in their future work on Portuguese historical materials.

A team of eight researchers from the Working Group involved in the different tasks of the project:

  • Elsa Penalva
  • Kevin Carreira Soares
  • Mariana Boscariol
  • Miguel Geraldes Rodrigues
  • Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço
  • Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto
  • Pedro Pinto
  • Rui Manuel Loureiro

The project was sponsored by the Philippine Embassy in Lisbon with the support of Senator Loren Legarda and is now closed. It will be available soon.